Data Privacy Day: Unlocking Digital Identities

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As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too does the significance of safeguarding sensitive information. As we mark Data Privacy Day, it’s important to be aware of how the ways we need to protect our data is changing. 

Today serves as a reminder to not only reflect on the privacy measures of today, but also to actively engage in adopting progressive strategies that align with the dynamic landscape of data security. In doing so, we fortify our commitment to preserving the integrity and privacy of our data and identities in an ever-changing online environment. 

Innovative solutions such as digital identity are pushing the boundaries of user control over their data. You can consider a digital identity to be a representation of your real-world identity, encompassing documents like your driver’s license. The difference lies in the enhanced control you have over the data within this digital version and how you share it.  

With a digital identity, you possess the ability to precisely select which information is shared, ensuring that only the necessary data is disclosed. For instance, when required to verify your age for a movie, digital identity allows you to do so without revealing your actual age. We believe that users should have greater control over their data and through our digital identity solution, we’re actively contributing to creating a safer and more privacy-respecting world. 

Blockchain technology serves as a crucial asset for bolstering data privacy. Its immutable and transparent nature makes it well-suited for storing and accessing data across various applications. However, given the public visibility of blockchains, it is imperative to safeguard any sensitive data before incorporating it onto the blockchain. This precautionary step ensures the preservation of privacy and prevents sensitive information from ending up in unauthorised hands. 

In the video below, our Senior Strategy Manager, Jack Davies, gives his opinions on the importance of data privacy and how its role is evolving in our digital world.