Our IP Portfolio

A globally ranked patent portfolio

What is the nChain licensing programme?

With over 480+ inventions available for licensing, our licensing programme allows organisations and entrepreneurs to create competitive advantage in this rapidly evolving Web3 era.  

  • Benefit from our industry leading research
  • Accelerate your product development
  • Enhance your offering in an efficient way.

Our patent portfolio

We have a portfolio of over 3,900 patents and applications, of which over 1090 have been granted. 

Since our inception in 2015, our robust research program has covered blockchain infrastructure, blockchain applications, cryptography, key management, network theory, macroeconomics, and other disciplines. 

Today, our IP empowers multiple real-world use cases, driving innovation and creating value for our partners, our ecosystem and beyond. 

We rank #6 globally

for the number of active patents related to blockchain technology with 79 new patents applied for inventions in 2023.

Source: Innography. Based on active pending and registered patents that mention “blockchain” or “distributed ledger” in their claims, title or abstract

LexisNexis report

LexisNexis has identified the nChain patent portfolio as one of the highest ranked in terms of technology relevance, for the second year running*. 

*Technology relevance is a metric based on how often nChain patents are cited by third-parties in their own patent applications. In numerous scientific studies this metric has been found to be a valid indicator of the importance of the invention. 

Ready to leverage our IP for your business? Contact our experts.